Theatre Network’s Safe Spaces Agreement

Sep 03, 2024

Theatre Network believes in fostering an environment that is safe, inspirational, and uplifting to all who enter. We are committed to creating a space where difficult conversations can be had as we believe discussions of the social fabric of our society are an essential job of theatre.

Theatre Network’s Safe Spaces agreement is designed to support this objective and prioritise our space as a safe and uplifting environment.

As a member of the Professional Association of Canadian Theatres (PACT), Theatre Network adheres to the Canadian Theatre Agreement (CTA). With this association, the Canadian Actors’ Equity Association’s (CAEA) Respectful Workplace Policy (including CAEA’ s Not In Our Space resources) serves as the basis of Theatre Network’s Safe Spaces Agreement.

In addition, Theatre Network asks all who interface with our company, facilities, and virtual space (including Theatre Network’s websites, social media, etc.) to conduct themselves in a respectful, courteous, and inclusive* manner, and note the following unacceptable behaviours.

Theatre Network considers the following behaviours unacceptable:

  • Abuse: including threats, attempts, and action that causes damage or harm or injury
  • Violence: the use of intentional force to cause physical harm or injury to an individual, group or property;
  • Harassment: any comment, behaviour or act that are known or ought to be known as unwelcome by an individual or group as they are offensive, belittling, embarrassing, humiliating, demeaning, or unwelcome;
  • Threats: any act, gesture or language that insinuates or directly communicates the intended harm of another individual, group or property;
  • Discrimination: any comment, behaviour or act that is humiliating, belittling, offensive, traumatic, disparaging or otherwise diminish an individual or group’s dignity and/or well-being;
  • Solicitation: any comment, behaviour or act that can be perceived as soliciting sexual favours, or placing sexual conditions onto any persons involvement;

If any of these unacceptable behaviours are witnessed and/or reported, it will result in an investigation and/or being asked to leave. This could also result in the cancellation of tickets/subscriptions, contracts, employment, volunteer roles/shifts, and/or other engagements with Theatre Network. In the case of cancelled tickets/subscriptions for future events, refunds will only be provided at Theatre Network’s discretion.

*“Inclusive language respects and promotes all people as valued members of society. It uses vocabulary that avoids exclusion and stereotyping and is free from descriptors that portray individuals or groups of people as dependent, powerless, or less valued than others. It avoids all sexist, racist, or other discriminatory terminology.” – Queen’s University

The ability to return to Theatre Network or the company’s premises again will be based on the severity of the incident, and at the discretion of Theatre Network.

To further build to the aim of a safe and inclusive environment, Theatre Network is committed to
the following actions:

  • Acknowledging that we operate on Treaty Six territory, as well as encouraging and engaging in acts of reconciliation.
  • Promoting and maintaining inclusive language, facility infrastructure, and policies.
  • Regularly review and update our policies.
  • Maintain a reporting structure for complaints of unacceptable behaviour

Concerns can be reported through Theatre Network’s regular lines of communication, by email at or by phone at 780.453.2440. Additionally, concerns can be sent directly to Artistic & Executive Director, Bradley Moss, by email at If the concern is related to the Artistic & Executive Director, concerns can be directed to Theatre Network Board President, Jared Tabler at

Theatre Network will take these reports seriously and follow up in a timely manner. Following the reporting of an incident, the plan for investigation will be developed with the individual it was reported to and based on the specific situation. The individual the concern was reported to will engage with other Theatre Network staff or board not directly associated with the claim to develop a plan.

Theatre Network will do its best to ensure confidentiality in all claims. It should be noted that under certain circumstances Theatre Network would be required to disclose information to the Board of Directors of Theatre Network, or by law to the police, legal officials or parents of any party under eighteen.

Theatre Network welcomes feedback on this policy. For more info and to provide feedback,
please email to

The Nextfest Arts Company Code of Conduct
CAEA Respectful Workplace Policy
