What Am I Looking At?!

What Am I Looking At?!

Written and directed by Stretcher Hymen and hunny moon

June 2 - June 6

What Am I Looking At?!

In ‘What am I Looking At?!’, backstage antics unfold as three drag queens navigate the chaos of a cramped dressing room. Amidst mirror changes and gossip, they hilariously vie for their moment in the spotlight. This uproarious comedy explores the challenges and triumphs of performing in a crack-of-dawn production, offering a fresh and humorous take on the world of drag. Get ready to laugh, gasp, and maybe even shed a tear as these queens prove that the show must go on, no matter the chaos backstage

June 2 - June 6

Sun Jun 2 @ 4:30 PM
Wed Jun 5 - Thu Jun 6 @ 7 PM
The Roxy Theatre:
Nancy Power Theatre
General (G)

Run Time 60 minutes
incl. $1.00 fee