A modern setting and wry sense of humor add to the fun when Christmas is abolished because “it is too much trouble”. Eleven year old Sandy enlists the help of her mentally disabled friend Willy to find out why. The investigation of the two amateur sleuths uncovers even more questions. In pursuit of the answers, Sandy and Willy learn some very interesting things about themselves, their families, and the magic of Christmas. Part of Plays of Progress.
Playwrights: Edward Connell, Marney Heatley and Stephen Heatley
Director: Stephen Heatley
Cast: (at various times) Neil Foster, Lydia Slabyk, Monty Thull, Susan Greenfield, Bradley C. Rudy, Doreen Watt, Barbara Adamns, Karen Smiley, Marianne Copithorne, Jan Henderson, Raymond Storey, Robert Winslow, Cathy Derkach, Karen Johnson-Diamond, Greg Lawson, Geoffrey Brumlik, Tracey Flye and Jeff Haslam Musical Director: Edward Connell Production Designer: Daniel van Heyst Stage Managers: Linda Graham and Denis Couillard Technical Director: Mel Geary
“THE OTHER SIDE OF THE POLE was created out of a fear that as our world moves faster and faster, we may be losing touch with some of the simples pleasures that have made our lives richer in the past.” – Stephen Heatley, Director’s Note