Provenance follows the story of Pity, a young Canadian art student who undergoes a courageous and compelling search for beauty. Tender, the object of her affection, is a mysterious boy who has been rendered in a painting, and concealed for a century. It is a quest for beauty that becomes a journey through the grotesque, leading Pity to a brothel in Vienna. There, she meets a series of marionette-prostitutes, a roller-skating monkey named Plato, and Leda, the madam of the brothel. As Pity seeks the beautiful to desire it, embrace it and become it, those around her seek to possess it, conceal it, and even destroy it.
Ronnie’s well-known command of the marionettes will be complimented by the use of his latest innovations, taking puppetry to a new level of theatrical daring. Provenance will feature the world’s most elaborate and provocative puppetry in a story that is funny, compelling, erotic, and haunting.
Created and Performed by: Ronnie Burkett
Music by: Cathy Nosaty
Lighting Design by: Bill Williams
The original production of Provenance was co-commissioned by BITE:04, (London, UK), the Melbourne Festival (Melbourne, Australia), queerupnorth (Manchester, UK), Canadian Stage Company (Toronto, Canada), Wiener Festwochen (Wein, Austria). The world premiere of Provenance occurred at Theatre Network in October 2003 in Edmonton, Canada.
October 30– November 23, 2003
Opening October 30