The charming story of Max and Flo, two lonely old people who meet when they share a table at the weekly Bingo game in Wildrose Alberta. They are disappointed when a raffish cowboy wins all the prizes, but then when they think their luck has run out, they find the real “jackpot”… love. A co-production with Small Change Theatre.
Playwrights: Jan Henderson, Jan Miller, Robert Astle and Frank C. Turner
Director: Stephen Heatley
Cast: Robert Astle, Greg Dowler-Coltman, Jan Henderson and Jan Miller Set and Costume Designer: Daniel van Heyst Lighting Designer: Ruth Lysak-Martynkiw Technical Director: David Paduch Stage Manager: Terri Gillis Production Assistant: Terry Freestone Wardrobe Assistant: Kate Newby
“It’s official! As of November 1, 1989, Theatre Network is the proud owner of the historic Roxy Theatre at 10708 – 124th Street in Edmonton.” – 1989 Media Release. The move to the Roxy Theatre was a part of the “Network for the Nineties”, a movement for the development of Theatre Network into the new decade.