Canada’s king of eccentric dark comedy brings together two unlikely “best friends”: a hapless, ever optimistic nudnik, and a loquacious, self-absorbed egomaniac. They’re two characters you might expect to see on Jerry Springer – best friends with absolutely nothing in common. This is a world in which Camus meets Dali, and Goya meets Disney: think of it as theatre of the absurd settling on a whoopee cushion.
Starring: Jeff Page and John Ullyatt
Directed by: Bradley Moss
Set, Properties and Costume Designer: Narda McCarroll
Lighting and Project Designer: E. Cherie Hoyles
Orgininal Music and Sound Designer: Darrin Hagen
Stage Manager: Betty Hushlak
Production Manager: Gina Puntil
Head Electrician and Coyote Operator: Kate Bagnall
Audio Technician: Bobby Smale
Carpenter and Stage Manager: Mike Ford
Scenic Painters: Narda McCarroll, Warren Pullen, Terry-Lynn White
” The dramatic universe of …Morris Panych is an exquisitely well ordered place. Genuinely funny…smart…carefully crafted and neatly delivered.” – The Globe and Mail
“Lawrence and Holloman can make nihilism seem like a party.” – The Sacramento Bee