Warning: Please refer to the Content Warnings Package available at the venue or online.
Christmaslight: A Twilight Parody
written and directed by Dahlya Peters-Blair
featuring Ella Schaloske, Lich Markovich, Rupert Cannon, and Nancy Peters
A young girl, Bella, suspects Santa is a vampire. She waits up on Christmas night to confront him with her suspicions but he’s not your average Santa Clause. This short play was written without any prior knowledge of the Twilight saga so both experienced Twilight fans and those who just know the jokes will enjoy this silly story.
Murdle Manor's Mysterious Murder Mystery
Written by Sam Robertson & Directed by Sam Robertson, Jorja King, and Justaya Carter
featuring Addison Terry, Madison Demers, Kaiya Kugler, Izabella Rairie, Lucaa Van Wachem,
Sam Robertson, Finny Morrish, Clara MacLellan, Justaya Carter, Madeline Lee, Jarred Ramos, and Rachel Avarquez
On a musty Monday morning, Marlon Murdle was murdered by his previously-thought-to-be-loyal butler! Now, Butler (yes, that’s his name) is the prime suspect in Murdle’s disappearance. The only way to avoid conviction is for Butler to assemble a group of unusual suspects who will concoct a tall tale to redirect the police so that he can flee the country! It’s the only way. Join us in an epic tale of revenge, money, dinner parties, fish, and ghost juice.
June 2 - June 9
The Roxy Theatre:Lorne Cardinal Theatre
General (G)
Run Time 60 minutes