This show chronicles the rise and fall of the Boyd Gang, who robbed banks in the Toronto area in a series of daring heists in the early ‘50s. Although the headlines and notoriety have faded with time, Raymond Storey and John Roby re-examine the story from an intriguing perspective, shifting the focus to the women in the lives of the Boyd Gang… “the girls in the gang”. A joint production with Alberta Theatre Projects.
Eva O. Howard Theatre, Edmonton
Playwright: Raymond Storey and John Roby
Director: Stephen Heatley
Cast: Nola Augustson, Alyson Connolly, Marianne Copithorne, Pamela Haig, Christopher Hunt, Kevin McGugan, Michael MacLean and Glenn Wallis Set Designer: Daniel van Heyst Costume Designer: Cheryl Shalagan Lighting Designer: Warren Carrie Musical Director: Allen Rae Choreographer: Tracey Flye