Welcome to Theatre Fabulous
by Edward Connell, Stephen Heatley and Conni Massing
April 20– May 7, 1989
At the centre of the play is a brave and personal performance from Heatley, who courageously creates a comic Candide from the raw materials of his own image and his own public voice. - Edmonton Journal

We invite you to come along with Peter on a quest for the answer to every artist’s question: “Why do I do this?” Join Peter as he desperately prepares for the upcoming production of One Magic Moment in the newly renovated Theatre Fabulous… Will the script be finished in time for rehearsals? Will Peter find actors for the as-yet-unwritten roles? Most important, will Peter ever sense the magic of live theatre again?
Playwrights: Edward Connell, Stephen Heatley and Conni Massing
Director: Greg Dowler-Coltman
Cast: Jeff Haslam, Stephen Heatley and Valerie Pearson
Musical Director: Elsie Hepburn
Set/Costume Designer: Daniel van Heyst
Lighting Designer: Robyn Ayles
Stage Manager: Jennifer Lambert Jones
Technical Director: Geoffrey Jackson
In House Technician: Terry Gordon
“So welcome to Theatre Fabulous!
It’s on your toes! It’s places please!
It’s time for those soliloquies,
So welcome to Theatre Fabulous!”