One year ago, the CBC asked the Trolls to write 10 half hour scripts for a possible second shot at their television show… The CBC paid for the scripts, received them, allegedly read them, decided they were better than anything the Trolls had sent them previously, and promptly rejected them. The Trolls, stunned but not vanquished, decided to make the damn things anyway, which is why the Roxy Theatre is being converted into a replica of a real CBC studio, complete with coffee machines and applause signs. The Trolls figure that you’ve already paid $60 grand for this show, you might as well cough up another $12-15 bucks to actually see the thing.
Playwrights: Cathleen Rootsaert, Dana Andersen, Wes Borg, Joe Bird, Neil Grahn, Paul Mather and Jan Derbysire
Director: Bruce Pirrie
Cast: Cathleen Rootsaert, Dana Andersen, Wes Borg, Joe Bird, Marcia Hildebrand, Joel Finnestad, Frank Bessai, Jeff Haslam, Mark Meer, Jeff Page, Bruce Pirrie, Wayne Rootsaert, Neil Grahn, Troy Lissoway, Howard Fix (Guitar) and Jason Kody (Keyboards) Stage Manager/Sound Designer: Sher Horvath Lighting Designer: Kali Roy Stage Designer: Taylor Roy Video Operator: Steve Roy Assistant Stage Manager: Anil Naidoo