“We tussled for quite a while over the title… we wanted men to come as well as women – so we got rid of Radical Lesbians Examine Their Breasts. And we wanted women to come, so we ditched Tits, Tits, and More Tits.”
Women will hear secrets they’ve always wanted to tell. Men will never have seen breasts more clearly. Sexual Encounters! Nursing! Bras! Plastic Surgery… Cancer… Media Images… Four women spent a year developing The TiT Show. The stories are true. Come and share them.
Playwrights: Giovanna Carrubba, Pamela Finlayson, Sue Huff and Eileen Sproule
Director: Eileen Sproule
Cast: Giovanna Carrubba, Pamela Finlayson, Sue Huff and Jill Kinsella Sound Designer: Dave Clarke Stage Manager: Betty Hushlak
May 6– 30, 1993
Opening May 6