Christmas as we have never known it! In a new collaboration Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie, Theatre Network and Junior Gone Wild take on the Christmas story. Touching, irreverent, reckless and transcendental. Finally a Christmas show for BIG people!
Playwrights: Mike McDonald, Dove, Larry Shelast, Crystal Hanson, Joe Bird, Scott Wicken, Jason Kodie and Wes Borg
Director: Ben Henderson
Cast: Scott Wicken, Larry Shelast, Jason Kodie, Wes Borg, Mike McDonald, Dove, Crystal Hanson and Joe Bird Set Designer: Robert Shannon Assistant Director: Giovanna Carrubba Stage Manager: Sher Horvath Production Manager: Stephen Roy Costume Designer: Brian Bast Lighting Designer: Ben Henderson Sound Operators: Bryan Becker, Kevin Becker and Dave Mockford Carpenter: Paul Bezaire Scenic Paint and Props Designer: Charlotte Hunt