The Messiah – A Trouser Rock Opera

The Messiah – A Trouser Rock Opera

by Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie and Junior Gone Wild

November 29– December 18

The Messiah – A Trouser Rock Opera

Christmas as we have never known it! In a new collaboration Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie, Theatre Network and Junior Gone Wild take on the Christmas story. Touching, irreverent, reckless and transcendental. Finally a Christmas show for BIG people!

Playwrights: Mike McDonald, Dove, Larry Shelast, Crystal Hanson, Joe Bird, Scott Wicken, Jason Kodie and Wes Borg
Director: Ben Henderson
Cast: Scott Wicken, Larry Shelast, Jason Kodie, Wes Borg, Mike McDonald, Dove, Crystal Hanson and Joe Bird Set Designer: Robert Shannon Assistant Director: Giovanna Carrubba Stage Manager: Sher Horvath Production Manager: Stephen Roy Costume Designer: Brian Bast Lighting Designer: Ben Henderson Sound Operators: Bryan Becker, Kevin Becker and Dave Mockford Carpenter: Paul Bezaire Scenic Paint and Props Designer: Charlotte Hunt

November 29– December 18

Opening November 29




After 8 happy seasons as the Technical Director for Theatre Network at the (pre-fire) Roxy theatre Paul felt a need to do some touring and so, when the opportunity to Stage Manage for The Old Trout Puppet Workshop’s arose Paul jumped at it. Having now toured 2 shows across Canada, the US and throughout 5 countries in Europe the need to tour is really being satisfied. Theatre Network isn’t completely out of Paul’s blood stream however, so whenever the opportunity arises to come back he does. “It has been an enormous pleasure to work with this team again! Thanks Theatre Network!”
