The Canadian premiere production by internationally renowned Edmonton playwright Brad Fraser. From the author who gave you Unidentified Human Remains and The Ugly Man comes Poor Superman, an exploration of the pains of success and the pressures of expectation, paralleling the plight of the comic book hero. A co-production with Workshop West Theatre.
Playwright: Brad Fraser
Director: Brad Fraser
Cast: Jill Dyck, Ian Leung, Christopher Peterson, Kate Ryan and Kent Staines Assistant Director/Slide Operator: Heather D. Swain Stage Manager: Katherine Ensslen Production Manager: Stephen Roy Design Coordinator: David Skelton Costume Designer: Dave Boechler Lighting Designer: Judith Bowden Composer: Darrin Hagen Wardrobe: Lindsay Jacobs and Joanna Johnson Carpenters: Wade Staples and Terry Freestone Scenic Painting: Charlotte Hunt