Witty, prickly and fresh, Playing Bare is a mordant satire on the relationship between theatre and life. An accomplished actress is on the verge of a nervous break down as she directs Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot. In her deranged effort to expose the emptiness of playing fictional characters, she casts the lead roles with a pair of non-actors whose lives mirror those of the characters they play. Her search for the ultimate theatrical experience – life becoming art – takes the action in hilarious and insightful directions.
Starring: Steve Pirot, Cathleen Rootsaert, Marina Stephenson Kerr, Keath Thome and Simon Webb
Translated by: Shelly Tepperman
Directed by: Bradley Moss
Set, Properties and Lighting Designer: David Fraser
Costume Designer: E. Cherie Hoyles
Music and Sound Design by: Roger Admiral
Stage Manager: Gina Moe
Production Manager: Gina Puntil
Head Technician : Kate Bagnall
Carpenter: Ryan Roby
” For all its comedy the play is an eloquent, passionate tribute to actors and it celebrates theatre by paying tribute to Godot, one of its most brilliant gems.” – Allan Fletcher