Based on a remarkably honest collection of anecdotes, Eileen Sproule once again has managed to delve with a remarkable humor and frankness into the far too recognizable world of love, sex, laundry, sex, cohabitation, sex… the whole spectrum of the personal lives of any one who has not taken a solemn vow to live alone for eternity.
Playwright: Eileen Sproule
Director: Ben Henderson
Cast: Kate Ryan, Michael Spencer-Davis, John Ullyat and Audrey Webb Songs: Dave Clarke and Eileen Sproule Sound Designer: Dave Clarke Production Designer: Robert Shannon Production Manager: Bruce Hennel Slide Images: Eileen Sproule Wardrobe: Bev Oliwa Carpenter: Colin Page Scenic Painting and Props Designer: Charlotte Hunt Stage Manager: Betty-Lou Hushlak Production Assistants: Gina Puntil and Jan Machalka