iHuman Mixtape

iHuman Mixtape

THU JUN 8 2023

iHuman Mixtape

iHuman Mixtape

Presented by iHuman Studios

iHuman Studios is an organisation that works to offer creative opportunities for young artists in YEG and amplify their voices and talents! We’ve been around since 1997, and this year we look forward to bringing you some of our freshest talent to date! Join us for a night of creative vibrancy, starting with a special space activation presented by our visual artists and poets, followed by a showcase of our best and brightest rappers, alternative artists, and dancers! Follow iHuman Youth Society on Facebook for hype about our lineup and our artists!

Warning: There may be content warnings applicable to this performance. For a full listing of content warnings, please visit theatrenetwork.ca/nextfest

THU JUN 8 2023

Thu Jun 8 @ 9 PM
The Roxy Theatre:
Lorne Cardinal Theatre

Run Time 120 minutes
incl. $1.00 fee
There may be content warnings applicable to this performance. For a full listing of content warnings, please visit theatrenetwork.ca/nextfest

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