A musical mystery with the story revolving around Luke Dawe, the legendary prairie Casanova, who disappeared in 1904. Seventy-five years later a film maker, Sarah, goes to Dawe’s old homestead in search of material to make a film and finds a scientist/inventor who claims to be Luke’s wife living there. The collision of time periods, the hostility of the townspeople, a supernatural storm and Sarah’s determination to discover the truth about Luke’s disappearance form the elements of the play. Presented in cooperation with BRANCHING OUT (Canadian women’s magazine).
Playwrights: Tanya Ryga and Sharon Stearns
Director: Mark Manson
Cast: Tanya Ryga and Sharon Stearns Musicians: Brenda Morie and Beverly Ross Set/Costume/Poster Designer: Susan Berganzi Carpenter/Lighting Designer: Larry Farley Stage Manager: Jeanette Nelson
February 3-10 1979, Latitude 53, Edmonton
Tanya Ryga